Gather and Forge

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Who is the best Private Chef in Austin, Texas?

After being in the private chef space for almost 8 years, I think that it is safe to say that we have seen a thing or two. I will elaborate more as I get into this blog as I think the industry has seen tremendous growth over the last few years.

2 years ago we embarked on a journey that ours educate chefs how to build a personal or private chef business by basically starting from nothing. This journey called Make More Money Cooking has taught us a lot of things but the main thing that it has taught us is that we kind of know what we are talking about. Dealing with imposter syndrome can easily become a solved issue when you build out an online course and create a podcast that lets chefs around the world know our secrets. This lead me to write this blog because I think that in order to be the best at something, you have to have failed A LOT at it. You have to be able to solve the problems that come along with any industry to be able to call yourself the best.. The reality is, there are a lot of personal and private chefs in here in Austin but there is not a lot of experienced personal and private chefs here in Austin. Let me explain.

Being in business for over 8 years has taught us at Gather and Forge Private Chef services a lot about this very specific business model. So much so that we decided to take it upon ourselves to create an online course to teach people how to build a business like mine. Teaching has provided a unique opportunity to learn even more than we thought we knew about this business. The private chef world is still pretty new and going through changes as we see software and processes take hold as it has in so many other businesses. Being that just 20-30 years ago, being a private chef meant that you knew somebody that needed service full-time and was typically a family. Well that definition has changed quite a bit over the years and now we find ourselves at the forefront of a budding industry. In Fact, I believe that we have the single largest personal or private chef business in the state of Texas. We have done over 5000 dinner parties and have had the opportunity to cook for some of the wealthiest people on planet earth. I don’t say any of this to brag, I say a lot of this because I feel that experience goes a long way when you are talking about such a niche industry.

When you are first looking at hiring a private chef to cook for your event, there are a lot of options and a lot of those people are very talented but a lot of them are very new to the private chef scene. I know this because of the course I created and the students that I teach and taking that information and bringing it into the Gather and Forge system. What we know is that this is a merging market and a lot of chefs are deciding to do this kind of work opposed to the restaurant work that they are used to. What we also know is that restaurant work and private chef work couldn’t be more different. With that comes experience in doing these kinds of events and having responsibility of being inside a “strangers” home. So to say that least, experience goes far in this line of work.. very far. We have failed enough times to know what is right and we have succeeded enough times to know what a successful evening inside somebody’s home feels and looks like.

So this comes down to the original question which was- Who is the best private chef in Austin, Texas? Being biased, I would say that we are. But the teacher in me tells me to tell you that the best is the person or company that you feel has the best experience that will cover your special day. We try really hard to make amazing experiences and we want to always push the boundary of what this emerging industry has to offer. We want to make sure that our guests have an amazing evening and that hosting becomes their main concern for the evening. This all takes a lot of time to master but with over 5000 dinner parties, I do really and whole heartedly believe that we are pushing those boundaries and creating those evenings for people. If you are on the fence, give us a shot. Just make sure that you are choosing somebody that cares about your day as much as you care about it.
